365 Sober Living
Building firm foundations for living recovery each and every day
ALPHARETTA, GA | 770.325.3733
356 Sober Living
Our Vision
365 Sober Living provides a supportive drug-free environment in a community
setting. Our homes foster feelings of safety, investment and ownership of space,
allowing the individual to relax and better focus on emotional healing necessary for
lasting recovery. It is our belief and experience that chances for ongoing sobriety is
increased when an individual has support from professionals and peers in a
recovering community
Location & Connection
365 Sober Living is located in the Alpharetta/Roswell area.
You can call us anytime at 770.325.3733 or Click The Button Below to go to our website where you will find more details about our program and luxury residences.
Who We Are
All of the residences are on public transportation routes. Residents stay for an
average of three to twelve months while they work towards becoming self-
supporting. Residents are required to attend house recovery meetings, work or
attend school and attend Community Meeting, Big Book Study and Peer Recovery
Meetings. 365 Sober Living is not a medical facility and cannot provide services for
individuals with infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, mental illness, physical
conditions or other secondary diagnoses, which require constant medical
supervision or medical facilities.
What We Provide
All of the residences are on public transportation routes. Residents stay for an
average of three to twelve months while they work towards becoming self-
supporting. Residents are required to attend house recovery meetings, work or
attend school and attend Community Meeting, Big Book Study and Peer Recovery
Meetings. 365 Sober Living is not a medical facility and cannot provide services for
individuals with infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, mental illness, physical
conditions or other secondary diagnoses, which require constant medical
supervision or medical facilities.