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Ensuring an Environment of Care.


The GARR Reference Library



GARR, an affiliate of the National Alliance of Recovery Residences (NARR), utilizes the "Standards" created by NARR as its guiding document for certifying Recovery Residences in Georgia. The NARR Standards ensure the integrity of program services and quality of environment of care.

GARR affirms the importance of different service levels to adequately address the total needs of the recovering individual. GARR recognizes and supports the four levels  of support as defined by NARR.


Code of Ethics

All persons working in GARR/NARR Affiliate organizations, (recovery residence owners, operators, staff and volunteers) are expected to read, understand and agree to abide by the NARR Code of Ethics.

It is the obligation of all recovery residence owners/operators, staff and volunteers to value and respect each resident and to put each individual’s recovery and needs at the forefront of all decision making.

Individuals subject to this code are obligated to report unethical practices to the GARR Ethics chair or to another member of the GARR Executive Committee.

All counselors working with/for GARR affiliate organizations must abide by the relevant Code of Ethics for their own profession, i.e. Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Substance Abuse Counselor etc. to include but not be limited to the NAADAC Code of Ethics. 


NARR Levels

NARR Levels help you categorize your organization under Domains, Core Principles and Standards which you can find here. A GARR mentor can help you walk through the levels as needed if you need assistance determining your level within the National Standard levels.



GARR, a 501c(6) Corporation, is committed to insuring the highest standards of care for recovery residences in Georgia. Here you can download the full by-laws by which we operate.


GARR Mission


The GARR Mission

Advocating For All Levels of Recovery

The Georgia Association of Recovery Residences is a network of recovery residences which are committed to high quality standards and best practices. Our ongoing commitment is to provide our members with the framework to incorporate these services in all that they do. Furthermore, our pledge to the community is to stand as the model for integrity and competence in our state.


Gain a community of advocates.